Write with us

Benefits of volunteering to write with Motajawal

By participating in the “Write with Us” volunteer program, you will be able to:

  1. Build a strong online presence and enhance your CV with written and published work.
  2. The ability to include a link for every 500 words in the article, so you can bring visits and backlinks to your blog (links must be directly related to the content you publish).
  3. The possibility of including your name at the end of the article with a link to one of your pages on social media or your website.

Article writing terms and conditions

  1. The article must be original and has not been published or copied from other websites, as the writer bears full responsibility if he attributes an article to another person.
  2. Writing in sound English free of errors and in an interesting style that attracts the reader.
  3. Commitment to the sequence of ideas, clarity, completeness, and observance of grammatical rules.
  4. Use punctuation appropriately and correctly.
  5. Use quotation marks “” when quoting from other sources.
  6. The length of the article should be between 500 - 2500 words. Where short and abridged articles will not be published.
  7. Mention all the sources that the writer used at the end of the article and obtain permission from the author to use and publish them.
  8. The article shall be free of any political, religious, sectarian, or sexual statements or insinuations, or any terms that violate public morals and ethics.
  9. The goal of the article is to spread interest and information, not promotion and advertising, as any article that promotes people, pages, websites, or places will be rejected.

Send your article to this email: [email protected]